wp user create

Creates a new user.

wp user create <user-login> <user-email> [--role=<role>] [--user_pass=<password>] [--user_registered=<yyyy-mm-dd-hh-ii-ss>] [--display_name=<name>] [--user_nicename=<nice_name>] [--user_url=<url>] [--nickname=<nickname>] [--first_name=<first_name>] [--last_name=<last_name>] [--description=<description>] [--rich_editing=<rich_editing>] [--send-email] [--porcelain]



The login of the user to create.


The email address of the user to create.


The role of the user to create. Default: default role. Possible values include 'administrator', 'editor', 'author', 'contributor', 'subscriber'.


The user password. Default: randomly generated.


The date the user registered. Default: current date.


The display name.


A string that contains a URL-friendly name for the user. The default is the user's username.


A string containing the user's URL for the user's web site.


The user's nickname, defaults to the user's username.


The user's first name.


The user's last name.


A string containing content about the user.


A string for whether to enable the rich editor or not. False if not empty.


Send an email to the user with their new account details.


Output just the new user id.


# Create user $ wp user create bob bob@example.com --role=author Success: Created user 3. Password: k9**&I4vNH(& # Create user without showing password upon success $ wp user create ann ann@example.com --porcelain 4